Everyday, MZMC brings its mission to others helping more and more to realize a quiet joy amidst the business of daily life. Your planned gift helps to ensure that MZMC can continue its vital efforts to uphold the dharma for many years to come.
Including MZMC as a beneficiary in your retirement plans, life insurance policy, or in your will are all simple ways you can make a transformative impact on our organization today. Your generosity helps to ensure MZMC continues to bring our healing and hope filled practice to the world.
Contact us today to begin the conversation! And remember, every gift makes a difference. It is important to consulting your financial planning representatives before making a planned gift to any organization. None the less, there are a handful of common planned giving vehicles that most consider:
Bequest: Bequests are one of my most common and simplest planned gifts. Bequests givers include language as part of their will or trust specifying a gift to MZMC.
Retirement Assets: Retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(K)s are an excellent charitable bequest opportunity – especially as they can be heavily taxed when inherited.
Life Insurance: You are welcome to consider MZMC has a sole or partial beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Life insurance donations often translate into large gifts with little cost to you.
Investment Assets: Gift of stock, bonds and mutual funds may can be given during your lifetime. You may give a gift of stock with an electronic transfer of securities directly to MZMC.
Thank you again for considering ways to impact our organization and our mission in a manner that will truly leave a lasting legacy! Contact the office to start a conversation about planned giving. [email protected]