Join Us to Celebrate MZMC's 50th Anniversary September 9-11, 2022
Please join us for these events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Minnesota Zen Meditation Center! All events will be held at MZMC.
Friday, September 9, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. — Gathering of Dharma Teachers We will begin the weekend with a ceremonial marking of the 50th anniversary of MZMC, in our recently-built zendo, open to all priests and lay teachers in Dainin Katagiri's lineage. There will be plenty of time afterwards for socializing. Formal priestly attire is encouraged but not required. This gathering will be a hybrid event (also available on Zoom). You will find the link to join on the Zoom Links page of the website.
Saturday, September 10, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. — Walk/Run/Bike Around the Lake Please join us in a circumambulation of Bde Maka Ska in celebration of our 50 years of interconnections, to our community, our history, and the natural world, through our location on the lake. Run, walk, bike, push a stroller, or walk your dog part or all of the 3.1 mile route. Proceed mindfully or in conversation with new or old friends. Refreshments will be served in the back yard afterwards. Find out more about the walk by clicking here!
Saturday, September 10, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. — Fifty Years of Awakening Together We will gather under the great oak tree in MZMC's back yard to hear a welcome from Guiding Teacher Ted O'Toole, and hear from MZMC leaders of the past, present, and future. There will be children's activities and light food and beverages. There will be plenty of time for socializing!
Sunday, September 11, 10:00 a.m. — Fifty Years of Just This Now Our Sunday dharma talk will consist of a panel of current and former MZMC spiritual leaders. The talk will be preceded by meditation at 9:10 a.m., and will be followed with tea and socializing in the back yard. The meditation and talk will be hybrid events (also available on Zoom). You will find the link to join on the Zoom Links page of the website.
View the 50th Anniversary booklet
Click the image at right to view MZMC's 50th anniversary booklet. The booklet includes a letter from Ted O'Toole, photos from throughout the years, poetry, and more.