We have many wonderful books for people at any stage of Buddhist practice, from those who are just beginning to those who looking for a more in-depth examination of the teachings. Currently MZMC's library includes materials in the following categories:
General Buddhism
Works by and about Dogen
Zen Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhism
Comparative Religion and Western philosophy
Buddhist Art and Culture
Special non-circulating books
CDs of dharma talks
Circulating materials are available for one-month checkout to MZMC members. Non-members are welcome to use the materials while at MZMC. The library is located in the basement, directly under the main meditation hall.
We also strive to acquire new books for our collection, and since funds are always tight donations are greatly appreciated. If you want to donate books to the library, we have a few requests:
We limit our selections to Buddhist-related subjects only. Please do not bring in books on other topics, no matter how great they may be.
We are especially looking for books published within the last 10 years. We have a substantial collection of books dating from the early days of the Zen Center and many new and easier to understand translations have been published recently, not to mention all the great books by contemporary Buddhist teachers.
Along those lines... we are particularly interested in stocking the books written by the dharma heirs and students of Katagiri Roshi.
To donate money to the library, please leave it in the dana basket (donation box) located in the library. All funds collected in the library go to purchase new books.
A notebook is located next to the library's check-out book for suggestions or comments on books that the library should stock, and other ideas about the library's collection. We use these comments to enhance our collection, and look forward to hearing from everyone.
Library Wish List
We've created an Amazon wish list with books that would be good additions to the library. You can search for "MN Zen Center" on the wish list page at Amazon, or click here to go to the page.
To make sure we don't get duplicate donations, use the "Add To Cart" button on the wish list page and check out. You'll be able to select our address to have it shipped directly to the Zen Center. If you have a book on this and want to donate it, click on the "Buying this gift elsewhere?" link. Thank you!
Please don't hesitate to email [email protected] with any questions or suggestions.