Following the Buddhist tradition of dana, or giving, MZMC offers all of our programs on a donation basis. We offer a suggested donation amount to help people understand the average amount we hope to receive to continue these offerings.
We understand that there are inequities in access to wealth and income. We encourage those with more capacity for giving to make a donation above the suggested amount to support those who need to give a smaller amount.
This way of funding our activities is intended to lower accessibility barriersfor members of economically marginalized communities, such as, but not limited to people of color, andto all who would be prevented from participating due tofinancial need. We can all support each other through the practice of dana.
Please register by clicking on the "Register" text below each class. If you do not wish to register online, you can send a check to MZMC or contact the MZMC office by email or phone. Please register five days in advance. Thank you for helping us ensure that all can participate!