Council Process 2025 Monday evenings, 7:15 - 8:30 pm January 27 with Margaret Pfeffer March 31 with Evan Britzius June 30 with TBD September 29 with TBD No registration needed. This event is offered in person only. Topics for each session will be announced closed to the date of the talks. Check back here.
We invite you to join this opportunity to practice deep listening and wholehearted speech, to build community and connection. Council process is a way of deep sharing in which participants speak, one at a time, from the heart. The intentions of council are speaking from the heart, listening from the heart, lean expression, speaking out, spontaneity, and confidentiality. The tenets of council are not knowing, bearing witness, and appropriate action.
Participants are encouraged to be present for one or both periods of zazen (5:50 and 6:30 pm) prior to council. Please be on time for council, since, out of respect for the process, it is not possible to join council once it has begun. With apologies to our Zoom community, Council Process is on site only because by nature it is intended to promote safe sharing and confidentiality.