MZMC is a non-profit member-owned organization. Members elect of a Board of Directors to do the governing. The MZMC Board meets for two hours once a month, generally on the third Sunday at 11:30 am. The meetings are open to the public, and you are invited to attend. Notes from the meetings are available below.
In March each year, the Board reports to the community at the annual sangha meeting. At this meeting, board members report on what is happening in our organization, how we are doing financially, and what our plans are going forward. They also hand out a feedback sheet. MZMC members elect new Board Members. Non-members are very welcome at the meeting, but may not vote in the election.
Current Board Members
Jim Niland, President
Katie Albright, Vice-President
Evan Britzius
Diana Ortiz
Tanja Nelson, Treasurer
Matt Streit
Lauren Brown
Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the board meetings from 2018 are available below. There is a time delay of one or two months in posting minutes because the board approves the minutes from one month at the following month's meeting. If you are interested in minutes from meetings earlier than 2018, please reach out to [email protected].