About Affinity Groups at MZMC Affinity groups provide a space for people who share identities or interests to create support, learning, and community. If you are interested in seeing MZMC host an affinity group which you don’t see here, we’d love to know. Please let us know at [email protected].
Waking Up to Race MZMC offers series and workshops designed for folks who are white or identified as white. They focus on how to embody the Bodhisattva vows through understanding white racialized identity and practices for alleviating racial harm. Click here for class details.
LGBTQ+ Dharma Group Here is an opportunity for LGBTQ+ folks who are involved or interested in Buddhist practice to connect and share experiences. Meetings include a brief meditation period and discussion of dharma and practice. No registration is necessary. Click here for class details.
People of Color Dharma Group Join this community of people of color who come together to share their experience of the Dharma through meditation and dialogue. New practitioners and people who have been practicing Zen for years are all welcome. The goal of this community is to hold space for meditation, mutual support, self-expression, and non-judgmental listening. This group is facilitated by Carrie Garcia. Click here for more information and Zoom link.
Race and Climate Justice Action Events are organized in response to calls from our wider community. Next event is TBD. Racial Justice Action (RCJA) is an MZMC program emerging from members asking for organized activities to support work for race and climate justice outside the walls of MZMC. RCJA is focused on partnering with community groups and following the leadership of people of color to honor our vows to practice for the well-being of all. The RCJA steering committee is Ted O'Toole, Ben Connelly, and Jey Ehrenhalt. Click here for more information on particular events.
Dharma Recovery Group Sundays, 6 – 7 pm Recovery Dharma Group meets in person at MZMC each Sunday evening from 6 – 7 p.m. This vibrant community shares Buddhist approaches to recovery from addiction.