he Minnesota Zen Meditation Center supports people in healing themselves and their communities, in living Zen. Since the entire world is our community, there is no boundary to our practice. We recognize that suffering emerges in countless forms: mental illness, addiction, poverty, militarization, mass incarceration, oppression due to race, gender, class, sexual preference, age, disability, religion, ethnicity, and more. Although our members individually promote healing in a wide variety of environments, the various groups listed below provide a framework of support for people wanting to work on specific issues.
These organizations are independent and are affiliated with, but not part of, MZMC.
Learn more about the work below. With questions, or to learn how to get involved, please contact us at [email protected].
Buddhism and the 12 steps to recovery
Buddhism and the 12 Steps of Recovery The group explores basic teachings of Buddhism as reflected in the Twelve Steps. Each session begins with a period of meditation, followed by a brief presentation and discussion. All who want to support a 12-step program with a deepened understanding of meditation and Buddhism are welcome. Thursdays, 7 – 8:15 pm Cost: by donation; no pre-registration required Now meeting online: Click here to join the meeting each week via Zoom.
JOyce Foodshelf
MZMC supports Joyce Food Shelf to help neighbors in need of food and other items for daily living. The Joyce Uptown Food Shelf is a community outreach of Lake Harriet United Methodist Church and is supported by other churches, organizations and individuals.
The mission of Joyce Uptown Food Shelf is to provide emergency food to hungry people in Southwest Minneapolis. The food shelf gives clients a three-day supply of nutritionally balanced food once a month. It will also make referrals to other agencies for additional services.
The staff consists of a paid part-time director and three paid part-time workers. They are assisted by many dedicated volunteers from the community, including Minneapolis Uptown Rotary members. In addition to helping raise funds, Rotary also provides staffing every Thursday evening.
With questions, or to learn how to get involved, contact us at [email protected].
Social JUstice Dialog and Response Group
The Social Justice Dialogue and Response Group meets once or twice per month to discuss topics related to current events, politics, and social justice. The group's purpose is to:
Provide a supportive space for individuals to express their thoughts and feelings on these issues,
Discuss any related activities in which individuals are participating, brainstorm and share ideas about activism and social justice work, and announce upcoming actions and events, and
Explore topics of interest to the group through presentations, short readings, videos, and group discussion.
Topics discussed have included:
Chris Moore-Backman's book The Gandhian Iceberg: A Nonviolence Manifesto for the Age of the Great Turning
Common moral frameworks of liberals and conservatives (Jonathan Haidt)
Economic, racial, and gender equity
Immigrant rights and white supremacy
Framing: white racial frame (Joe Feagin), and political language (George Lakoff)
Insight dialogue and compassionate listening
#MeToo movement and sexual harassment
Effective issue advocacy with elected representatives