Saturday Retreat: The Dynamic Dharmic Path of Inquiry From the beginning, Buddha Shakyamuni emphasized the importance of looking deeply into personal experience. In this short meditation program, we will trace the foundations of inquiry in Buddhism and cultivate personal and interpersonal inquiry in our practice and our lives. Whether we are new to practice or are longtime practitioners, the path of inquiry “relights the pilot light” of our lives.
This Saturday retreat will focus on meditation and dialogue to explore inquiry methods from the Tibetan Mahamudra tradition. Mahamudra has deep commonalities with and provides fresh perspectives on Zen practice.
About Judith Simmer-Brown Judith Simmer-Brown PhD is Distinguished Professor Emeritx of Contemplative and Religious Studies at Naropa University where she was a founding faculty member. She began her practice as a Zen student of Suzuki Roshi in 1970 and became a student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1974. She is author of Dakini’s Warm Breath (Shambhala 2001) and Meditation and the Classroom (SUNY 2010).