Zen Forms and Etiquette
One-day Retreats (Saturdays)
2021 Dates TBA Half-day Sesshins
2021 Dates TBA |
Beginner's Mind Retreats (Saturdays)
2021 Dates TBA |
Retreat at Hokyoji:
2021 Dates TBA Full retreat:
Rohatsu Sesshin 2020:
Sun., November 29, 7 pm – Sun., Dec. 6, 4 pm Full-day option: Flexible Option: |
Foundations of Practice
Four Noble Truths: How do we walk the path from suffering to peace?Teacher TBA
Mindfulness in Daily Life: How do we bring awareness to our lives? with TBA
Creativity and Zen: How de we express our practice? with TBA Practice Periods
Spring Practice Period with TBA
Fall Practice Period with TBA
Advanced classes
Zen koans: How do we live in not-knowing? with TBA
Buddhist Unconscious with Tim Burkett