Spring Morning Study Group
Spring Morning Study Group
with Ben Connelly and Deb Mielke
Tuesdays, May 14 – June 18, 7:30 – 9:00 am
Offered online and in person
The Hidden Lamp
The Hidden Lamp is a collection of one hundred koans and stories of Buddhist women from the time of the Buddha to the present day. This revolutionary book brings together many teaching stories that were hidden for centuries, unknown until this volume. These stories are extraordinary expressions of freedom and fearlessness, relevant for men and women of any time or place.
Morning study groups focus on group discussion and are designed for people with an established Zen practice. Please plan to arrive at the first meeting with a copy of the book Hidden Lamp, edited by Caplow and Moon available via these links: http://tinyurl.com/bde4n37b or https://wisdomexperience.org/product/hidden-lamp/
Suggested donation: $125
A Note About Donation-only Programming
Following the Buddhist tradition of dana, or giving, MZMC offers all of our programs on a donation basis. We offer a suggested donation amount to help people understand the average amount we hope to receive to continue to make these offerings. We encourage those with more capacity for giving to make a donation above the suggested amount to support those who need to give a smaller amount.