Andrea gave a series of Sunday dharma talks based on the book. She looked at its various themes, and offered her view on Katagiri Roshi's teaching and the way it can help us now. Each talk was focused on one of the five parts of the book.
The talks were given on these dates and can be found in the Sunday Talk archives.
About the bookFrom Shambhala: The universe is alive with a dynamic energy that creates and sustains our lives. It surrounds us, flows through us, and is available to us in every moment. Spiritual practice, according to Dainin Katagiri Roshi, is about aligning ourselves with this ever-present life force — sometimes referred to as chi, qi, or ki. This collection, edited from his talks, focuses on cosmic energy as it relates to all aspects of Zen practice. With references to classic texts and personal stories that bring the teachings to life, The Light That Shines through Infinity is also a powerful antidote to the notion that practice is in some way about transcending the world around us. It is in fact about nothing other than relating to it compassionately and wholeheartedly.